DIY Beauty treatments
It is time to relax
Our daily work habits sometimes make the body so exhausted that we need to relax as much as possible in the end of the working day. We need a gentle therapeutic method that releases toxins, soothes muscle tension and stiff joints, strenghtens immunity and maybe the most important of all - improves mental health.
DIY Beauty treatments
Dry and dehydrated skin
Dry skin requires lipids and regeneration, while dehydrated skin needs hydration and moisture. Discover what is best for each type:)
DIY Beauty treatments
Say no to dark circles around the eyes
Most people when meeting someone new first notice their eyes. The eyes are the mirror of the soul and in the eyes one can recognize the personality of the person and its character.
DIY Beauty treatments
Oily skin - natural peeling
Enjoy our natural beauty treatments! Every week a new one!