Beauty talk - Dorin Bajzec

Beautiful, cheerful and positive girl born in Pula, grown up in Zagreb – Dorin Bajzec. Recently her address has become the one in Poland – because of love, is there anything more beautiful than that?!
Romantic Dorin is a tourism management student. Because of college obligations she is always on the relation Zagreb-Gdansk which is, as she says, ideal for her since she loves to travel and gather new experiences.
Dorin: “Up until recently I worked as content manager in a company, but I decided to commit to my studies, still there is the whole life for work ahead of me, right?:)
Since she is a workaholic, here day is filled with various activities, which can be pretty stressful but in spite of that few years ago she started to write a blog that you know under the name “Lucissima”. Blog is her stress therapy and her favorite hobby. She is in love with fashion, cosmetics, beauty and she uses her Instagram profile to show who she really is: simple, cheerful and positive. Besides that, she loves to share with girls and women her experience with various beauty and fashion brands and in that way help them choose what is best for them.
Dorin: “I would love to and I put all my effort into giving all my readers a little bit of positive energy with my posts and thoughts. It is the same in my private life, with positive attitude I attract all the means I need to fulfill my goals; complete my college education, do the job I love and create a wonderful family."
Dear Dorin has shown us her beauty routine and answered some of our beauty questions.
1. How much time do you devote to your skin?
Honestly, quite some time and care are devoted to my skin! The skin will first show signs of ageing! Since in my spare time I play tennis and work out in the gym I shower often which makes my body and facial skin pretty dry. I take care of it exclusively with natural peeling, oils and creams.
2. How much is cosmetics important and the ingredients in your skin care?
Since I was little I loved beauty “treatments” and make up and so I do now as well. The older I get, it is more and more important for me to apply in and on my body only natural, organic products. As I said I use products without parabens and other harmful ingredients. I always have on my mind that all I put on my skin enters my blood stream in couple of minutes so yes, I care very much about the cosmetic ingredients.
3. What is your morning beauty ritual?
Every morning, without exception, after washing my face, I clean my face and neck with micellar water and then I apply the Alavi Recovery cream. I have tried this cream few months ago and I have to admit that after long time of exploration and searching for a perfect day cream I finally found – the one! I have odd face skin haha:) It is a little bit oily, little bit dry and I could never deal with it. But, the Alavi cream has saved me!
4. How does you day make up look like?
Hmm, I am not one of those that spend lots of money or time on make up. I love to look natural and fresh, so my day make up includes a minimal quantity of 'Bourjois healthy mix' powder, then some blush and highliter just so much to bring out my cheeks, natural eye brow contouring and at the end I apply a nude lipstick. In summer days I do not use powder, I like to give my skin some time to breath in thos summer month. And besides the bronze skin from the sun is «powder» enough. ;)
I always recommend one recipe for keeping your skin shiny and nurtured and that it: eat healthy food, drink water, use natural cosmetics without alcohol and parabens and of course think positive thoughts because what you think is what you look like! :)